Tax and Accounting Services
From year-end help for businesses to individual tax returns, LivingstonCPA provides professional and personal service .
Below are some of the services I provide. If you have any questions about a particular matter please contact me.
Tax Preparation for Individuals:
View our helpful Tax Checklist for Individuals
- Federal income tax returns
- Gift, trust
and estate tax returns
- State income tax returns in all fifty states
- State intangible property
tax returns
Tax Preparation for Businesses:
View our helpful Tax Checklist for Businesses
- Tangible
personal property tax returns
- State intangible property tax returns
- Quarterly and annual payroll
tax returns
(Federal 941s and 940)
- Quarterly and annual unemployment
compensation returns
- Preparation of electronic sales tax returns and payments
- Federal
income tax returns for all business forms
(corporation, sole proprietorship,
partnership, etc.)
Accounting Services for Businesses:
View our helpful Needs Assessment for Businesses
- For Xero and QuickBooks online users, you can grant me advisor access so I can handle recurring tasks such as bank reconciliations and financial statement preparation or review.
- Preparation and payment
of sales tax on a monthly or quarterly basis, depending on rules
that apply to your business
- Accounts Receivable management
and collections – Samantha
review customer balances, send collection notices, and follow up by
phone to obtain overdue payments
- Monthly bank account reconciliation
- Monthly financial statement preparation
- Preparation of required quarterly
and annual payroll reports
- Want to incorporate? I'll
do it for you. I can take care of the whole process for you for
state incorporation and obtaining a federal employer identification
number (EIN) and or S-corporation status
- Preparation of required quarterly
and annual payroll reports
Business Year-End Help
- Catch-up of monthly bank reconciliations
- Preparation of W-2s and
1099s for employees and vendors
- End of year “cleanup” of
books for tax time
Dealings with the IRS
I have extensive experience dealing with the IRS and handling the administrative “red tape tangle” that
can occur in corresponding over a single issue. By having a signed power
of attorney form on file with the IRS (on which you designate areas of
access), I'm able to correspond directly on issues such as federal
taxes, business employment tax, and individuals' tax refund delays. In
addition, I have also had success with abatement and reduction of penalties
imposed by the IRS on businesses for failure to file and/or pay tax due
to unintentional mistakes.
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