- Tax Checklist for Businesses |
Tax Checklist for Businesses
Use this list as a guide in gathering your information to be used in preparation of your business tax return(s). Please provide any additional information that
may be pertinent to your tax return.
- Business name, address, and description of the nature of
- Copy of last year's Federal and State tax returns (new clients only)
- Employer identification
number (if applicable)
- Accounting method, i.e. Cash or Accrual
- Inventory valuation method
- Gross income or receipts from business
- % of home used for business
purposes – i.e. sq. feet of
business area / total sq. feet of home
- Listing of assets and dates purchased within current year
- Listing of assets currently being depreciated with details of depreciation amounts and methods used (new clients only)
- Balance Sheet and Income Statement. If not available, please provide Cost of
Goods Sold, employee compensation
- Mileage: Provide mileage for business (non-commuting) and total mileage for the year plus make, model, and year
of auto
- All other business expenses
- Home
office expenses– rent or mortgage,
utilities, insurance, real estate taxes, etc. (These are deductible
for the % business use).
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